Customer-driven product development
To meet the changing needs of our customers, we are developing our solutions constantly. From this page, you'll find the upcoming as well as recently published development projects at Heeros.
Upcoming product development projects
Heeros product development is driven by our strategy but we listen to our customers' needs and wishes closely as well. At the same time, we make sure the lifecycle updates are taken care of.

Already published
Heeros HR & Heeros PSA: An integrated entity (FI)
Basic information, vacation and days off are automatically transferred between the software. Heeros HR is available in Finland only.
Heeros ERP connector service
Cost-effective and carefree integration of Heeros financial management software to hundreads of ERP systems globally.
Two-factor authentication
For better information security.
Heeros Sales Invoices
Pay with mobile
New payment option in Heeros Mobile makes it easy to pay invoices with your mobile at anytime, anywhere.
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