Customer success at Heeros
When seeking software provider than can be a partner supporting the growth of your business, Heeros is the right choice. We provide comprehensive support, ranging from ready-made materials to dedicated Customer Success Managers.
Päämääränä asiakkaidemme menestys
Customer Success -tiimimme työskentelee läheisesti asiakkaidemme kanssa ja varmistaa, että Heeros-ohjemistot tukevat asiakkaidemme liiketoimintaa parhaalla mahdollisella tavalla. Ohjelmistomme ovat skaalautuvia, ja haluamme auttaa asiakkaitamme heidän kasvumatkallaan aktiivisesti.
Katso videolta Customer Success Manager Sari Erosen kommentit siitä, miten Heeroksella tuemme asiakkaitamme yrityksen eri vaiheiden läpi.
Focus on our customers' success
Our Customer Success team works closely with our customers, ensuring that Heeros software supports their business in the best possible way. Our software is scalable, and we aim to actively assist our customers on their growth journey.

Dedicated Customer Success Manager
As a Heeros customer, you will have a dedicated contact person, a Customer Success Manager, who will then be your primary point of contact at Heeros. They will help you in making the most of partnering with us. Our customer support team is available to assist with day-to-day issues.
Our customers value the partnership
We’ve stated together that we should keep the discussion going in the future as well, so we’ll be organizing regular meetings every quarter. This way we can reflect on things more both on strategic and operational levels, to see where we are at.
Matt Pozsik
Read the storyThe best thing about the co-operation is that we have our own contact person dedicated to us, but we also have direct contacts to specialists of different fields when needed.
Sami Juntunen
Blink Creative
Read the storyCo-operation with Heeros has been extremely good and all problems have been solved quickly.
Tuomo Pulkkanen
Lantmännen Agro
Meet the Customer Success team

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