Customer success at Heeros

When seeking software provider than can be a partner supporting the growth of your business, Heeros is the right choice. We provide comprehensive support, ranging from ready-made materials to dedicated Customer Success Managers.

Business partner

Päämääränä asiakkaidemme menestys

Customer Success -tiimimme työskentelee läheisesti asiakkaidemme kanssa ja varmistaa, että Heeros-ohjemistot tukevat asiakkaidemme liiketoimintaa parhaalla mahdollisella tavalla. Ohjelmistomme ovat skaalautuvia, ja haluamme auttaa asiakkaitamme heidän kasvumatkallaan aktiivisesti. 

Katso videolta Customer Success Manager Sari Erosen kommentit siitä, miten Heeroksella tuemme asiakkaitamme yrityksen eri vaiheiden läpi.

Focus on our customers' success

Our Customer Success team works closely with our customers, ensuring that Heeros software supports their business in the best possible way. Our software is scalable, and we aim to actively assist our customers on their growth journey.

Business objectives

Strategic and operative partnership

We develop our partnership on both strategic and operational levels. Together with our customers, we seek the most optimal ways to build an operational environment that supports their needs. We bring expertise to development projects and periods of change.

Business partner

Dedicated Customer Success Manager

As a Heeros customer, you will have a dedicated contact person, a Customer Success Manager, who will then be your primary point of contact at Heeros. They will help you in making the most of partnering with us. Our customer support team is available to assist with day-to-day issues.

Meet the Customer Success team

Henrik Forsberg
Henrik Forsberg

Head of Customer Success
+358 40 912 4275
Irene Harjunen
Irene Harjunen

Customer Success Manager
+358 40 514 4976
Sari Eronen
Sari Eronen

Customer Success Manager
+358 40 709 4340
Saara Liirre-Ojala
Saara Liirre-Ojala

Digital Customer Success Manager
+358 44 313 5030

Read more about our services


Implementation, training and other services

At Heeros, implementation projects are headed by experienced project leaders. Unlock the full potential of the software and new features by training your staff.
Learn more
Quick communication

Customer support

Our support team helps you with any issues you might have with Heeros software - and most of our customers think they are doing an excellent job! 
Learn more