Customer case

LMA replaced their impractical tools with Heeros

Lahdelma & Mahlamäki architects fell in love with Heeros' easy time tracking. Invoicing is now made simple. All the data is in one place.

Morbi a magna purus. Donec in ex commodo risus pulvinar cursus. Mauris venenatis tincidunt fermentum. Curabitur sodales sed diam sit.

Yritys: Lahdelma & Mahlamäki arcitechts

Industry: Architecture

Revenue 2023: 2.9 M€

Heeros solutions: Heeros PSA

Lahdelma & Mahlamäki architects work in various areas of architectural design, such as new building, renovation, land use, and exhibition design. The company's customers include the State of Finland, cities and municipalities, churches and private developers such as YIT Suomi Oy, Kesko Corporation and Lujatalo Oy.

“Our goal is to create unique buildings that blend in with their surroundings. It is important to understand the nature of the building and know who the future users of the building will be”, says Liisa Koivuranta, Secretary of Lahdelma & Mahlamäki Architects.

Arkkitehtitoimisto Lahdelma & Mahlamäki Oy
The company participates in several architectural competitions every year


Invoice management improved the daily life for LMA

Lahdelma & Mahlamäki architects started using Heeros PSA due to the time tracking feature. The software offers the company a whole new way of creating hourly reports. Invoicing and Business intelligence reporting are important features as well. Expenses and invoices are implemented through Heeros PSA and the software has also been used for billing.

The architectural firm has benefited from Heeros PSA especially in terms of time tracking. The other essential part is invoicing. The company used to create invoices with impractical and outdated software, which slowed down their workflow.

“Also, expenses were created in a form in Microsoft Word and the amount had to be calculated manually by us. It was quite clear that things had to change,” Koivuranta says.


After Heeros PSA was introduced, invoicing became much easier. The billable hours could be transferred directly to the invoice and the visual appearance of the invoices was also more appealing than before.

Creating expenses is easy for employees when the software calculates the amount automatically. Moreover, the company strongly recommends the time tracking feature. It's clear and easy.

Liisa Koivuranta, Secretary

Lahdelma & Mahlamäki architects

Lahdelma & Mahlamäki architects


Are you interested in easy and simple invoicing? Try out Heeros PSA with a free 14 days trial and see how it can work for your own business! Take a free trial on our pricing page

Invoice icon

About the client

Long-term architectural partners Ilmari Lahdelma and Rainer Mahlamäki founded LM in 1997. Their work is a continuum of Finnish design, with a focus on sustainability, high-quality materials and attention to detail—qualities that come together with cutting-edge technologies and techniques. Both Lahdelma and Mahlamäki are internationally recognized and lauded architects, professors, and lecturers.

The studio has two Tekla BIM awards under its belt, for Derby and Easton, two projects which pushed technology to its limit. These tools are now standard in the design process, giving the team new ways to design and represent each project. 

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