Customer case

Heeros PSA helps FreshWind with sales and project management

Heeros PSA has been a valuable tool for FreshWind in project management and financial monitoring for years. FreshWind's CEO Marjut Paljakka describes the software as a logical, user-friendly, and flexible solution that enhances the company's daily processes. 

Morbi a magna purus. Donec in ex commodo risus pulvinar cursus. Mauris venenatis tincidunt fermentum. Curabitur sodales sed diam sit.

Company: FreshWind

Industry: Design, manufacturing, maintenance of high pressure humidification systems, and international resale of components 

Company size: 5 employees

Heeros services: PSA

One software, many benefits

Heeros PSA is an integral part of our daily operations. We use it for almost everything—from sales and cost calculations to project management and invoicing.

Marjut Paljakka, CEO


The flexibility of Heeros PSA has allowed the software to adapt to the company's changing needs, which has been particularly important as the company seeks international growth. The software is also invaluable for internal communication. With all information stored in one place, no one has to spend time searching for data.


The goal is real-time information 

One of the biggest advantages of Heeros PSA is the availability of real-time information, as long as everyone ensures that the data is always up to date. When everything is in order, even if someone falls ill, continuing the project is easy with all the necessary information readily available. Additionally, visual reports and timelines help to comprehend the overall picture. 

With real-time data, the practices and their adherence are crucial. “Of course, there is always room for improvement, and there are still things that need to be turned into a routine,” Paljakka states. For example, the use of Heeros PSA’s updated reporting has somewhat fallen behind because not all input data has always been fully reliable.

Over the years, the company has seen the software evolve into a more versatile and user-friendly solution. In the past, FreshWind employees were also actively involved in the software's product development.



Management support and data-driven management 

The software is not only a daily tool for employees, but it also provides management with the opportunity to monitor the company's sales and project progress. 

As a leader, it is important for me to see how sales are developing and how projects are progressing. Heeros PSA helps to monitor these visually, which significantly enhances the management process.

Marjut Paljakka, CEO



The PSA software also supports strategic decision-making. FreshWind has grown and expanded internationally in recent years, and Paljakka sees that Heeros PSA has been a valuable support tool in this, helping to plan for the future based on facts and real-time information. 

FreshWind paketoinnin pölynsidonta


Invoice icon


FreshWind is a Finnish high-pressure humidification system manufacturer founded in 2014. The company designs and implements energy-efficient and versatile high-pressure misting systems for industrial facilities and processes, including dust suppression, humidity control, cooling, and fire protection. The company also offers maintenance services for its systems and engages in the international resale of related components. The solutions offered by FreshWind are highly customizable to meet customer needs, and the company’s expertise lies in projects in challenging conditions that require tailored and innovative solutions.



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