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Mandatory e-invoicing in Poland starting from February 1, 2026

Written by Nuutti Rautiainen | Apr 29, 2024 7:44:22 AM

Poland is transitioning to the era of mandatory e-invoicing gradually starting from February 2026.

Poland's e-invoicing mandate - implementation timeline

1.2.2026  - Phase 1

Large businesses that had a turnover surpassing PLN 200 million (approximately EUR 46 million) in 2025.

1.4.2026 - Phase 2

All remaining businesses.

What is new with this update

Originally, taxpayers were to start issuing and receiving e-invoices via the KSeF system in July 2024. However, already in early 2024, the Polish Minister of Finance announced a postponement. Now, the new dates are set. The main reason for the postponement is errors found in the KSeF platform, necessitating an external IT audit to assess and rectify these issues. 

In 2021, the Polish Government introduced draft legislation aimed at widespread adoption of electronic invoicing across the nation. Under this new mandate, all invoices must be processed through a centralized system, the National Electronic Invoice System (KSeF). This requirement applies to all VAT taxpayers operating within Poland, whether they have a local office or a fixed establishment.

Heeros and the Polish e-invoicing mandate

Heeros can provide solutions for both e-invoice senders and receivers in Poland and many other European countries to comply with forthcoming mandates. With Heeros Sales Invoices, you can achieve complete automation of your sales invoicing, reaching a level of 100% e-invoicing smoothly and cost-effectively. Heeros Purchase Invoices streamlines your handling of purchase invoices from receiving and circulating them to accounts payable. Both solutions are easy to seamlessly integrate into your existing ERP, or other systems.

See our practical guide on e-invoicing.