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Navigating the future: How SMB finance departments can adapt and thrive

Written by Juho Pakkanen | Apr 30, 2024 8:52:55 AM

The shift towards strategic decision-making

Traditionally, finance departments have been viewed, at least from the outside, primarily as bookkeeping and budget management centers. However, as routine work will be taken over by automation, the role of finance is expanding well beyond these functional boundaries. 

CFOs are now expected to take on a more strategic role within their organizations. This involves using financial insights to drive business strategy and make informed decisions that align with long-term goals. For example, the advent of data analytics tools allows CFOs to predict future trends and model various business scenarios. This capability makes the finance department a crucial player in strategic planning and corporate governance.


Embracing technological innovations 

We as finance professionals are known for our love of numbers. Now, it's essential that we also embrace change and nurture curiosity.  

I believe technology is a game-changer for everyone working within finance. Automation, and to some extent already now AI, are reshaping the traditional tasks of finance departments such as invoicing, payroll, and some repetitive reporting.  

Moreover, cloud-based financial solutions are facilitating remote work and collaboration across geographical boundaries. This is particularly beneficial for companies operating internationally or those with teams scattered across different locations. By adopting these technologies, finance departments can improve scalability and flexibility, essential factors for growth and adaptation in a fluctuating market.


The impact of being reactive vs. proactive 

The finance department's focus can greatly influence an organization's agility and capacity to capitalize on opportunities. A strategic and proactive focus involves anticipating future needs and challenges and preparing to meet them through informed decision-making and policy implementation. By adopting a strategic and proactive approach, we can anticipate future needs and challenges. 

Finance departments remaining purely operational and reactive risk missing out on opportunities for cost savings, revenue generation, and strategic investment. They may also be slower to adapt to market changes and regulatory updates, which at worst can put the entire business at risk.


The growing importance of compliance and risk management 

As global markets grow more interconnected, the complexity of regulatory compliance increases. Financial managers must therefore place a greater emphasis on compliance and risk management. Staying abreast of changes in financial regulations and understanding their implications is crucial. 

For many of us a pivotal area now demanding attention is the adoption of e-invoicing mandates across Europe. This means not only ensuring that their systems are capable of handling e-invoices in compliance with varying national standards but also staying updated with the evolving regulations.  

Furthermore, the increasing prevalence of cyber threats has put data security at the forefront of our priorities. Implementing robust cybersecurity measures and continuously updating them is a must in safeguarding sensitive financial data and protecting the company from potential breaches that could lead to financial loss and reputational damage.


Essential IT and software skills 

IT and software skills are increasingly vital for finance professionals. We must adapt to utilizing, learning, and actively participating in the implementation of diverse systems. This skill set is not just a luxury but a necessity for those looking to thrive in modern financial environments. 

Finance departments are now expected to be proficient with advanced financial software, databases, and analytical tools. These capabilities allow us to perform complex data analysis and financial modeling, which are crucial for strategic decision-making.  

One significant aspect of technological competency is understanding system integration and data security. As proponents of new technology adoption, finance professionals must grasp the fundamentals of how different systems interact. This knowledge is essential for managing the seamless integration of Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems with best-of-breed financial management software.


Enhancing business acumen and soft skills 

While technical skills are undeniably important, the role of other skills in the finance department cannot be overlooked. Leadership, communication, and problem-solving skills are becoming increasingly critical as we are expected to lead cross-functional teams and drive change within the organizations. We should focus on building a team that is not only technically proficient but also adept at communicating and collaborating effectively.  

Developing a keen insight into business operations, market conditions, and industry trends is vital. This understanding helps us anticipate financial outcomes based on various business scenarios and make informed decisions that align with the company's long-term goals. 

The ability to analyze data critically, interpret financial reports, and synthesize information is crucial for making strategic business decisions. We should continually refine our analytical skills to identify trends, potential risks, and opportunities in financial data. 

Effective communication is fundamental in translating complex financial information into understandable terms for stakeholders across the organization. Strengthening these skills ensures that financial insights are clear and actionable, fostering better decision-making processes across departments.


Three key questions for CFOs to lead SMB finance departments into the future 

  1. How are you prioritizing continuous learning and technology adoption to optimize financial operations and shape strategic decisions that align with evolving market demands? 
  2. How are you cultivating a strategic mindset to transition from traditional operational roles to becoming strategic advisors within your organization? 
  3. How are you enhancing your communication and leadership skills to lead cross-functional teams and projects effectively and communicate complex financial data in understandable terms, ensuring informed decision-making throughout the organization?