There are multiple reasons why e-invoicing is better when compared to emailing PDFs or traditional paper invoices. We have listed the 12 most compelling reasons why you should be switching to e-invoicing right now. But first, here is a quick read on what distinguishes an e-invoice from other invoices.
An electronic invoice, or an e-invoice, is often confused with any kind of digital invoice. Both can be electronically processed from creation to payment, however, there is a big difference between these two. An e-invoice is created in the seller’s invoicing system, online bank, or alternatively in a web-based form. From there, the e-invoice file can be either downloaded or sent directly to the buyer’s software.
The e-invoice is delivered through an e-invoicing operator. The operator can be compared to the postal system when sending paper invoices. However, if you are using invoicing software, you do not need to open the operator's software separately. Each e-invoice recipient also has its own e-invoicing address.
By e-invoicing, unnecessary steps like manual data entry, accuracy checks, and swapping software are eliminated. In order for that to be possible, the invoice has to be in a format the buyer’s system can process. The e-invoice files come as structured data. Some commonly used formats are XML and EDI.
An e-invoice is:
An e-invoice is NOT:
You can read about what an invoice is in general and what information to include in it, in our blog What is an invoice?
Although there are many ways to benefit from online e-invoicing, there are also some challenges you might face with it. These are explored below and we at Heeros are committed to help our customers navigate the regulations and best practices.
Electronic invoicing is increasingly utilized across the globe every day. Services and standards are constantly developed and improved. Many of the problems are therefore likely to be resolved. Anyhow, the benefits clearly outnumber the disadvantages. Electronic, online invoicing saves time throughout the invoicing process. Keep reading to find out how.
Now that we have reviewed 12 common benefits and a few challenges, let's explore the e-invoicing process. The process can be divided into a couple of main phases namely the creation phase, the delivery, and receiving phase.
When you use a spreadsheet or MS Word document template, it takes time to fill the template and customize modules for the perfect layout. You will have to copy all details from somewhere, save it as a PDF, then open your email, find the right contact and send it. Or even worse, you print it out, put the document in envelopes, and take it to the mail. Does this sound productive?
If you e-invoice from your software straight to the recipient's software, many clicks and all the jumping from one site to another will be eliminated. The e-invoice software will allow you to invoice under a particular project or client, and content like contact information will be filled out automatically. User-friendly tools help you customize the document according to your needs and liking. No need to open up Excel, email, or contact information pages.
If you send your customer a PDF, they will have to open it, review it, import it to their accounts payable in their software, and make the transaction by copying payment information from your document. Alternatively, you can send an e-invoice and it will appear directly in their accounts payable, where they can easily review, accept, pay and archive within the software.
Not to mention the clear advantage of quick delivery. In case you use traditional mail, it will take days for the invoice to even arrive at the recipient's office. Thereafter, a long manual handling process is required. The data has to be entered manually before the invoice can be registered and paid.
See also our practical guide on e-invoicing.
Are you ready to start e-invoicing? Heeros is the partner for SMBs in Europe for invoicing and more. CLoud-based Heeros PSA can be accessed from a browser as well as through the app on your mobile devices. You can create your invoice directly from a project, based on for example worked hours or expenses. With just a few clicks, you can choose to send it as an e-invoice through an integrated e-invoice operator.
With Heeros, you have all your business-related data on one platform. No need to switch between programs when checking for customer contact details and worked hours while creating and sending the invoices. And this is not it, you will get features such as automatic payment tracking and automatically generated analytics of your invoicing.